Perhaps the most obvious benefit that come with Acoustics Pods – their ability to block out sound. Acoustic office pods aim to block out as much noise as possible, giving both the office pod users and wider workspace employees a quieter environment to concentrate in.
With more of us working the hybrid models means there is an increase in video and voice calls. Acoustics Pods become the ideal situation to combat these office distractions.
Finally there is a wheelchair accessible option on the market. We are delighted to finally be able to offer our customer the inclusive option of the Silent Room range. This Acoustics Pods range comes with everything you would expect from an Acoustic Pod like air ventilation, power and lighting solutions. As the floor level of the acoustic pod corresponds to that of the surrounding office space and the door of the SILENT ROOM only has a small doorstep that poses no risk of trips or falls. View the range on M2 Office

A modern proposal used in acoustic booths from the Hush family is a special antivirus coating – thus the most frequently used surfaces covered by it do not require additional disinfection.

The antivirus coating is a thin layer of titanium dioxide (IV) – a safe substance that is used, among other things, for the production of creams with UV filter. The photocatalytic properties of the coating cause the oxidation of organic pollutants, bacteria and viruses under the influence of light on its surface. They are decomposed into carbon dioxide, water and simple inorganic ions.
Unit A2
Corcanree Business Park
Dock Road
V94 F2N1
(061) 303 666