Life after Covid still feels like a long way off but what changes are happening now that will become the norm going forward?
Data driven businesses will have to fully embrace in collaborative software, tracking and communication systems while also converting their current space to fit a smaller number of staff in a variety of different ways. Digital conferencing will only become more acceptable and less business travel will take place as a result of this.

Collaborating in the New Normal
M2 Office Interiors are already seeing an increase in the design and fabrication of meeting rooms becoming Zoom Rooms. If you are trying to win a client over then you need to show your company in the best light, which means investing in presentation areas that take advantage of your surroundings, technology and lighting.
This could be the beginning of a more activity based working environment. Most businesses will require the same space for fewer people so that they can socially distance, staff can be supported at home with ergonomic chairs and sit/stand desks while staff in the office may see the growth of a relaxed yet constructive culture where more soft furnishings are introduced and spacious collaborative furniture is implemented for team work and as a way of zoning out areas for separation and tasks from other employees.
Time for Change
The world has spent the last two decades adapting to the open plan office but now its time for some industries to move to a safe collaboration space. 2020 has show business owners that staff are to be trusted and in order to get the most from them at home or in the office is to consider their wellness and provide for them the most comfortable and relaxing work environment possible.
A percentage of staff who are remote working can’t wait to get back to the office but want to do so safely. Let them return to an anxiety free zone.
Unit A2
Corcanree Business Park
Dock Road
V94 F2N1
(061) 303 666