Posture is still incredibly important when we speak about ergonomics but don’t forget to factor in furniture that has multiple uses and a wellness area for staff to recharge. Make the most of small spaces with some clever items that adapt with the user and comfortable zoned areas for work, play and relaxation.
Looking to make changes to your workplace? We can help. For a comprehensive ergonomic assessment talk to us on: (01) 6111 025 or (061) 303 666

When we speak about ergonomics the topic of posture is still one of the most important aspects to study. In terms of ergonomics, correct posture can have possibly the biggest impact on your body’s health – but now the focus is on task-based working, rather than fixed workstations.
Today, design and technological innovations have created new solutions for a more mobile workforce. Interior architects can now choose desks and seating that not only support the health of an employee but brings aesthetic benefits that visually enhance a workspace too.
Humanscale are the current leaders in the world of office ergonomics and their award-winning furniture continues to push boundaries in terms of health, flexibility and ecological benefit. From task-lighting and monitor arms to self-adjustable sit-stand desks and chairs made from fishing nets, their range encourages movement with comfort, support and great looking design.
Multipurpose Furniture
Furniture that can perform different functions can allow workers to change position without leaving their desk. Mechanical or manual sit-stand desks are common place and they’ve been joined by some interesting companions.
The Actiu Talent desk, for example, can double up as a white board or can be attached to other desks to create a board table. Innovative solutions like these work just as well for small spaces as they do open, flexible offices.
Multipurpose furniture is a great companion to task zoning which we spoke about in our previous ergonomics blog.
Comfortable Havens
Downtime can be a very important factor in productivity therefore more and more companies are looking to create comfortable havens where staff and kick back, relax and recharge. This new found focus on wellness at work is certainly a good thing and many creative companies have already implemented measures that encourage play or relaxation by installing games tables, cafés and comfortable sofas – a concept that is now moving into the mainstream.
Plan for rest areas in the interior design by zoning with comfortable, flexible seating that can double up as meeting chairs or reclined for comfort and break-outs.
A great example of contemporary, configurable furniture is the range from SOFTLINE, that allows the same piece of furniture to be changed to suit different purposes such as lounging, sitting and even sleeping.

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(061) 303 666