With the open plan office becoming the layout of choice it brings a number of challenges depending on the staff levels in that space. Luckily, manufactures are listening to customer needs and have created a number of ergonomically friendly options for those looking for privacy and efficiency while staying on trend.
Looking to make changes to your workplace? We can help. For a comprehensive ergonomic assessment talk to us on: (01) 6111 025 or (061) 303 666

Task Zoning
Our workforce aren’t robots, at least not yet anyway. They have different needs at different times. Therefore, we can’t expect them to work the same way as each other, in the same place. If there is limited movement it can lead to poor performance and wellbeing.
Instead, zone the workspace by task and function. Create separate areas for collaboration, meetings, training, admin and telephone. Depending on the size of the space and number of workers, this can easily be achieved with modular style booths, panels and storage solutions that create permanent or temporary areas within a larger space.
Connection Hive, for example, allows the Interior Architect to facilitate multiple activities with minimal furniture. Their banquette booths are suitable for both working and eating and come with integrated TV and technology for presentations, communications and entertainment. There is no need for additional walls or partitions. The booths are moveable, configurable and offer acoustic privacy and comfort in the open office.
Privacy in the workplace can be essential for some tasks such as discussing sensitive information on the phone or to a colleague. With more and more companies opting for open plan workspace a Booth can provide an ideal closed space in an open place where meeting rooms or offices aren’t available.
High-backed and hooded chairs also provide an acoustic and visual screen that creates a sense of privacy and dampens sound.
The ‘meeting dens on wheels’ from JDD, for example, provide an excellent visual barrier from the rest of the office simply by rotating the seating pod round, making it ideal for the flexible office.
Acoustic Protection
A well-documented stresser in the workplace is noise. Concentration levels can drop dramatically in an area where distracting chatter or external noise can be heard. Whilst an energised atmosphere can charge a collaboration space and spark ideas. In the open office, various features should be introduced to improve concentration, phone calls and private meetings.
In a flexible work space, the best way to achieve balance is to zone the space and install meeting pods, phone booths and acoustic panels. Acoustic panels can be used as a creative interior feature as well as an ergonomic solution. Hush from Mikomax, for example, have created smaller panels that be grouped to form artistic wall pieces.
In offices with high ceilings, the bouncing echo of noise can also be reduced with hanging panels, soft furnishings and acoustically sound carpet, such as the environmentally innovative Interface carpet tiles, which can both zone a space and absorb sound. key.

Unit A2
Corcanree Business Park
Dock Road
V94 F2N1
(061) 303 666